

A lot of people ask me numerous questions about interior design and how to turn their passion into profit.

Today’s post – and a couple more to follow – are dedicated to these people – it’s a brief, introductory post about the world of the interior designer who designs for passion +  money !

So let’s step away from actual design for today and turn to the business end of interior design, shall we ?

The Questions 

Like any business you may have some preliminary questions about starting your own venture and these are what some of them may sound like :

1. Do I need a degree in interior design?  
No, you don’t need a degree. That doesn’t mean you don’t need to continue learning though !
Sometimes, you’re only going to rearrange the furniture and accessories that clients have already purchased. You won’t be doing anything that requires a major license, much less a degree. 
2. Is it a must to partner with a bigger firm ? 
No, you can be a completely independent business owner and free to set up and structure your business any way you choose. Nice, yes ?

3. Can anyone do this? 
Yes of course ! People the World over from all walks of life, all ages, all sizes are in the interior design business. With the proper training anyone can learn how to redesign or decorate.

4. Do I need lots of experience first? 
No, you don’t need tones of experience to begin with. Initially you can get hands-on ‘training’ by rearranging your own home and those of your friends. Try this at no charge, just for the experience (recommended).

5. Will I be able to work in any style, any budget and in any home? 
Yes! Yes! and Yes! Over time and as you grow your business you will have full control over the type of client you service and how far from home you are willing to travel. I’m a practical testament to this myself.

And on and on they can go…..but let’s stop there for now, ok  ?

In the coming weeks I will do posts named BUSINESS SERIES’ where we will look at a range of things for consideration as you chart your path towards becoming an established interior designer

Till the next article in the series…Have a blessed week ahead !